Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Earth in Space Exam

Our Earth is just a small small object floating in around in the nothingness of space. The Earth is in our solar system along with the sun and all the other planets and moons. Our solar system is located within the Milky Way Galaxy. We are in the disk of the Milky Way Galaxy that holds most of the galaxy's’ dusts and gases.(1) Our galaxy is a spiral galaxy.(2) Spiral galaxies tend to spin in a circle, like a spiral, hence their name. The Milky Way Galaxy is one of the stereotypical spiral galaxies, or in other words, we spin.(3) Our universe is about 13.75 billion years old. It has no real structure. Everything is basically where it ended up with no real rhyme or reason why it happened the way it did. “Using entire galaxies as lenses to look at other galaxies, researchers have a newly precise way to measure the size and age of the universe and how rapidly it is expanding, on par with other techniques.” (4) This measurement is called the Hubble Constant. It explains the size, or overall scale, of the entire universe.
Our universe is expanding. It has been expanding since the very beginning of its existence, about 14 billion years ago.(5) This is all explained in our theory, The Big Bang Theory. We know that the universe is expanding because of other galaxies that we have been watching for hundreds of years. These other galaxies are all expanding and moving apart from each other at a constant rate. The expansion first started with a big hot explosion of all of space, which was originally completely filled with matter. This explosion split apart all of the matter that was in the universe at the time and made it into the planets, moons, stars and galaxies that we have today. (5) All of this matter is still moving through space, expanding farther and farther out.(6) This matter eventually clumped together and formed the solar systems,  stars, and galaxies that we have today.
The cosmic microwave has helped determine the age of the universe because it has shown us how long it takes for one microwave to pass. The other waves pass through and now that we know how long it took for the universe to get to where it is currently we can tell how long it will take us to keeep expanding. And also I am sorry Mrs. Grivins, i got it in as soon as i got home and decided that i just needed to get it in so I don't think it is completly finished.

1)`"The Location of the Solar System in the Milky Way Galaxy." Astrodigital: Home of Explore Mars, Space Exploration, Astronomical Adventures, Digital Excursions, and the Chicago Area Chapters of the National Space Society and Mars Society. Web. 21 Nov. 2011. <http://www.astrodigital.org/astronomy/solarsystemgalaxy.html>.

2) "The Milky Way Galaxy." Main Page - CASS. Web. 21 Nov. 2011. <http://casswww.ucsd.edu/archive/public/tutorial/MW.html>.

3)"Galactic Lenses Confirm Universe’s Age, Size | Space.com." Space, NASA Information & News | Outer Space Flight Videos & Pictures | Astronomy, Solar System Images | Space.com. Web. 21 Nov. 2011. <http://www.space.com/7989-galactic-lenses-confirm-universes-age-size.html>.

4)"Astronomically Large Lenses Measure the Age and Size of the Universe." Science Daily: News & Articles in Science, Health, Environment & Technology. Web. 21 Nov. 2011. <http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/03/100301122334.htm>.

5)"The Big Bang and the Expansion of the Universe." An Atlas of The Universe. Web. 21 Nov. 2011. <http://www.atlasoftheuniverse.com/bigbang.html>.

6)"Origins of the Universe, Big Bang Theory Information, Big Bang Facts, News, Photos -- National Geographic." Science and Space Facts, Science and Space, Human Body, Health, Earth, Human Disease - National Geographic. Web. 21 Nov. 2011. <http://science.nationalgeographic.com/science/space/universe/origins-universe-article/>.

Water Cycle EXAM

  1. The water cycle is a very complex cycle that happens throughout the whole world. Many things happen throughout the water cycle such as: evaporation, transpiration, condensation, precipitation, infiltration, surface runoff, groundwater, and absorption. Evaporation is when water molecules heat up and transform into their gaseous state.(1) When evaporation takes place, condensation can happen. This is when things, such as a cold glass of tea, are sitting out and the water molecules become drawn to the glass. They then “stick” to the sides of the glass and form water droplets. When water evaporates it goes up into the sky to form clouds. During evaporation, if enough water gets into the atmosphere, clouds can form. Once these clouds get big enough and can’t hold anymore water, they release precipitation.(2) Precipitation is all forms of water that fall from the sky such as: rain, snow, sleet and hail. Precipitation then hits the ground and becomes either surface runoff, groundwater, or absorbs into the earth. If it is absorbed into the earth, trees can take the water up through their roots. The water that the trees don’t use goes through transpiration. Transpiration is just like evaporation except it is through the leaves of trees. The trees let all extra water through their leaves and into the atmosphere.
  2. Water flows through the watershed and goes through all of your conceivable places to get to where it is located today. (3)Water in streams generally tends to flow into rivers or ponds. The rivers flow straight into the lakes and wetlands that we have today. The lakes and wet lands are directly connected through the bottom of their ground in the lake to the ground water system.(4)Ground water flows directly into and out of the lakes and wetlands.
  3. Rivers and streams are both usually very shallow and have clearly defined banks. There are many different parts of rivers and streams such as: the mouth the bedrock and the bank.(2)The mouth of the river or stream is where the water empties into a bigger water basin such as a pond or a lake. The bedrock is is all of the rocks at the bottom that either stay in place or drift along.(3) Thesmaller rocks usually are the ones that drift along and erode the bigger rocks. Rivers and streams often times flood due to precipitation.

  1. "Source of Minerals in Municipal Water Supplies." SPER Chemical - Quality Water Treatment Sequester Minerals, Corrosion Control. Web. 22 Nov. 2011. http://www.sperchemical.com/html/minerals_in_water.html.
  2. "Rivers and Streams, from USGS Water Science for Schools." USGS Georgia Water Science Center - Home Page. Web. 22 Nov. 2011. http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/earthrivers.html.
  3. "How a River Flows." Stream Biology and Ecology. Web. 22 Nov. 2011. http://chamisa.freeshell.org/flow.htm.
  4. "Water Cycle - Animated Diagram." Earthguide: Educational Resources in Earth, Marine, Environmental and Planetary Sciences. Web. 22 Nov. 2011. http://earthguide.ucsd.edu/earthguide/diagrams/watercycle/.

EXAM: Water Cycle

a) The water cycle is a very complex process. Within it is: evaporation, transpiration, condensation, precipitation, infiltration, surface runo

Thursday, October 20, 2011

MSU Experience

5 Things I Learned at the Planetarium:
  • The north star doesn't move in our sky because our axis points straight at it.
  • Scorpio the zodiac sign for October is not visible during October despite the fact that, that is the sign for October and some of November
  • There are galaxies that are many different  shapes.
  • Our galaxy is the milky way galaxy.
  • Our galaxy is a spiral galaxy.
3 things I Learned at the Cyclotron:
  •  There is a 6 foot thick door that closes to protect everyone from radiation.
  • The walls and ceilings can be moved to accommodate for increasingly better technology.
  •  MSU is making a linear accelerator and tearing out the cyclotrons because linear accelerators make atoms go closer to the speed of light.
2 Things I Enjoyed the Most:
  • I enjoyed trying the chocolate cheese despite the fact that it was nasty.
  •  I enjoyed lunch time and ICE CREAM! :)
If I could change anything about the trip I would change the weather because it kind of made it a bad day for the trip.

Climate Project


Monday, October 3, 2011

Great Lakes

I learned alot on our trip to the river. I learn how to test BOD and DO. I also learned about all the litte organisms in our river. I was one of the two people that got waders on and went in the water to help the lady colect all of them. Our q-value was 52 and our overall q-value was 73.779. I didn't expect our value to be so good because our river always looks really dirty and like it has trash in it to me. My action project can help our river by keeping fetilizer off our trails so that it doesn't pollute our river.

1)The largest great lake according to volume is Lake Superior and the smallest is Lake Erie.
2)The most urban lake is Lake Erie and the most rural is Lake Superior.
3)The lake with the longest shoreline is Lake Huron.
4) We can best manage our ecosystem by keeping the pollutants put out to a minimum because everything around us eventually runs back into the great lakes and we want to keep those as healthy as possible.
5)Pollutants that have to do with our project is fertilizers and pesticides. Many of the farms surround our trails and we don't want their chemicals to get into our trails' ecosystem.

Preliminary Questions:
1) Water from my house goes into our local watershed.
2) Runoff water is water that doesnt absorb into the earth. The runoff water goes into our near by storm drains or the river.
3)In the citys, runoff water goes into the same places as the sewage. This is not good because it contaminates our clean water.
4) The sources of pollution in runoff water is smog, fertilizers, pesticides, and other sorts of chemicals put on the ground.
5)Point source pollution comes from an easily known place like a factory emitting CO2. Non-point source pollution is when it comes from a place that isn't as known like a car leaking oil.
6) A watershed is an area where all the water goes to the same place.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Nature Walk

1) I believe that our nature walk was very successful. All of the little kids really enjoyed all of the cool things they saw. My kids name was Raven. She was a very talkitive little girl and actually already knew alot about nature and what she wants to do to help the environment. Within the first couple minutes of walking we saw a piece of trash on the ground and I swear, she nearly had a fit. She was all but cussing at the world and saying that we needed to go back to her classroom and get some trash bag so that we could pick all of the litter up off of the ground. I actually got to learn all of the stuff that she knew about nature.

2) The water chemistry we are doing is the biological oxygen demand test. This test is pretanent to our project because it will help us find out how much sewage is affecting our trails.

3) We are doing a project about improving trails. We are going to be putting out trail markers and handing out maps to raise peoples awarness of our trailand what is on it.

4) My group is doing well on our project. We have painted about  half of our trail makers and are going to be getting ready to putting them in the ground soon. We are also going to improve the map of the trail that we were originally given.

5) My responsibilities for the project are photography, letter-writing campaign, website creation, writing the action plan, constucting the power point, and adding effects.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Carbon Footprint

1) http://www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/page/calculators/

2)This site was extremely good for me and would be for younger kids because it has much interaction and pictures to help you along.

3)My carbon footprint would need 4.9 earths to be supported.

   A) I can leave the water off when  brush my teeth, walk to places I need to go and take shorter showers.

   B) I can ride my bike to school, use a notebook online to conserve paper, and  I can recycle all my papers that I don't need anymore.
   C) I can set up recycling bins around town, I can walk to school instead of driving, and I can get the school to make bike routes so that other people can also ride their bikes to school.

5) For my action project, I am getting cross walks installed so that it is safer for younger kids to walk to school. This will reduce not only my carbon footprint but the carbon footprint of many people in the school district. In doing this i hope to inspire more people to take action like i am doing but in their own way or own community.

Google Map of Eaton Rapids


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

First Post

I would like to learn a lot of things about internet and technology. The downfall is that I don't yet know much about any of it. I would like to learn how to use this blog first of all because it seems pretty important to this class. This blog so far seems pretty cool though, and I think that it might be fun to use once I learn how to. I would also like to know how the internet works. I just don't under stand how someone can come up with the idea to invent the internet.

I hope to learn about all the many varieties of science that affect the world around me. The things I would like to learn about most though are natural disasters. From the time I was a little girl I would watch the weather channel to find out about the most recent storm or tornado. Although, all storms and natural disasters fascinate  I have always been the most enthralled with tornadoes.  So this trimester, in Global Science, I hope to learn how tornadoes and all the other natural disasters effect my surrounding community.